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Godolphin celebrates another year of excellent A-level results

A Level Results 24

Godolphin is celebrating another excellent set of A-level results for our Upper Sixth. Overall, 6 in 10 grades were A*, A or B with the A* rate holding up well. In addition, in the first year of results, three quarters of BTEC grades were Merit or above.

Particularly impressive results were returned in Art where over a third of grades were A*. Over a quarter of grades in Chemistry were A*, and two-thirds A* to B. In Latin, 100% of entries were at A* and in Further Maths half of the grades were A*, with all pupils achieving A*, A or B grades. This success was repeated in Maths, where nearly half of grades were A*-A and over three quarters were A* to B. 80% of grades were at A in French and in Geography and Geology two-thirds of grades were at A* or A. Building on the success achieved last year, pupils taking the Art History Pre-U all achieved orders of Merit or above.

“This particular cohort of pupils has performed incredibly well and I congratulate them all. Alongside their success it is important to acknowledge the support and guidance provided by staff and parents as this can make all the difference” said Head, Emma Hattersley.

Notable successes were Lucy He (four A* grades and an A), Alex Holmes (two A* and an A, going to read Classics at Oxford), Pollyanna Blythe and Alice Sullivan (two A* and an A), Ffion Leeman, Sophie Du Ry and Emily Horsfield (A* and two A grades), Isabella Baker (A*, A, B) and Rosalie Luo (A*, A and two B grades). Congratulations also to 2018 Godolphin alumna Abi Eagles who is going to read History at Cambridge having shown great determination in reapplying this year.

Exceptional progress since the start of the Sixth Form was shown by Pollyanna Blythe, Isabella Baker, Sophie Du Ry, Olivia Forge, Lucy He, Maggie Huang, Ffion Leeman, Rosalie Luo, Anna Michael, Rosie Mitford, Annabel Smeeton, Bethan Southgate, Alice Sullivan, Theodora Whittaker, Samantha Willis and Madison Wright.

Once again, the University of Exeter has proven to be a popular destination, with pupils leaving us to take up degrees in a wide range of subjects including Biochemistry, Geology, Exercise & Sports Sciences, Business Management and Natural Sciences. Pupils have also won places on highly competitive Architecture degrees at UCL and the University of Edinburgh, and our pupils have also gained places to study Medicine at the University of Bristol and Modern Languages at the University of Birmingham.

Emma Hattersley said, “these grades together with all the wider benefits of being part of the Godolphin community enable our pupils to make a success of further study and indeed life in general. I am confident their education enables them to be responsible and compassionate individuals, positive about their prospects and most importantly, willing to contribute to society.”
