Religious Studies
The team
Julie Vaughan
Head of RS
Examination Board: OCR
Why study Religious Studies?
Because it’s interesting, it’s about us, our world, how to change it and how to be happy. In the process, it offers the most gob-smacking course in philosophy (east and west) imaginable. Hugely popular, RS is the ideal subject to combine with A-levels in both Arts and Sciences. You need two As and a B to get into good universities these days, so you need to choose subjects you enjoy and will do well in. According to Russell Group advice, Religious Studies ‘provides a suitable preparation for entry to university generally’ and is a ‘useful qualification’ for degrees in Philosophy, History, English, History of Art, Religious Studies and other humanities, Psychology, Law and Medicine. Please ring and check this out with the Admissions Tutors at the universities.
Here’s what Sir Michael Heron (Former Chairman of Unilever and the GPO, Chairman of the NCVQ and Member of SCAA) has to say on the matter:
“ ‘I have no doubt at all that an A-level in RS is an excellent training for people entering business, medicine, law or any activity requiring the ability to master detail and focus it on a strategic goal. The analytical and interpretative skills acquired through RS provide the essential balance between mind and heart necessary to successful adulthood in any walk of life.’ ”