Godolphin Include (EDI)

“ At Godolphin, our inclusive culture allows all our pupils to flourish and grow. ”
Understanding one’s identity is a vital part of a young person’s development, shaping their journey from early childhood into adulthood. At Godolphin, our commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion platform (EDI) is woven into every aspect of school life.
Through our EDI platform, alongside our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) initiatives, Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education (PSHCEE) and EDI focused clubs, we provide our pupils with the tools to explore and embrace their unique identities.
We strive to create a healthy school culture that empowers pupils and to thrive. By fostering an environment where inclusivity is paramount, we promote a sense of belonging that allows every pupil to reach their full potential, free from prejudice or discrimination.
We believe that education extends beyond academic achievement. Our responsibility is to prepare our pupils for life in a diverse and interconnected society. Godolphin pupils are future leaders, citizens and advocates for a just world.
At the heart of our vision, ethos and values is a commitment to building an equitable society. By instilling an understanding of equality and inclusion from an early age, we help our pupils develop a deep sense of fairness and kindness – qualities that will guide them through their years at Godolphin and beyond.
Aims for EDI at Godolphin
At Godolphin we educate our pupils to respect diversity. They gain knowledge and understanding that can help them to improve relationships, tackle prejudice and discrimination, and make positive decisions throughout their adult life. In today’s challenging and diverse society, we endeavour to instil pupils with a positive and open-minded attitude.
1. All pupils are equal regardless of their religious beliefs, sexual orientation, race, gender, and gender identity.
Although this is an important principle, we should teach our pupils that this doesn’t mean everybody in the classroom is treated the same. Equity means that people require extra help so that they are fairly provided with the same opportunities and to achieve outcomes as others.
2. Everyone is valued. Differences are respected and recognised because diversity is a strength.
We will strive to eliminate the disadvantages and barriers with which some pupils face. These differences may relate to ethnicity, gender, faith, disability, or sexual orientation. We believe that each pupil is unique, and diversity is a strength. It should be celebrated and respected by all the school’s pupils, staff, parents, governors and visitors.
3. Nurture healthy relationships and promote school values.
Our school community will benefit greatly from actively promoting mutual respect, kindness and positive attitudes between groups that differ from one another.
4. Promoting a sense of belonging and inclusion in the classroom.
You want all members of your school community to share a sense of belonging in both the school and the wider community. This will help each individual to feel respected as an individual and to respect one another. This feeling of mutual respect makes it easier for pupils to participate in school life fully.
5. Pupils have a voice, and those opinions are actioned.
At Godolphin we have our Prefect, Competitive House and Boarding House committees. We also have many extracurricular clubs and societies such as - Exploring Christianity, Include club, The Pupil Voice Society and The Neurodiverse Club. Feeling represented and listened to at school produces that sense of belonging which leads to more positive academic results and improve mental health and wellbeing.
6. Godolphin strives to provide and environment where we have the highest expectations for all our pupils.
We believe that all our pupils can make good progress and achieve their highest possible potential.
7. We challenge stereotyping and prejudice.
In Godolphin, all incidences of prejudice-based bullying are reported, challenged and sanction. This includes racism, homophobia, or the bullying of somebody due to a disability. We actively challenge gender-based and any other stereotypes than are causing concern and support pupils to do the same. Addressing the ‘bystander’ effect involves educating pupils about their role in creating a safe and supportive school environment for everyone. We equip our pupils with tools to intervene responsibly, empowering them to make a positive difference.

PSHCEE Senior Schemes of Work
PSHCEE Godolphin Sixth Schemes of Work
Godolphin Policies