Terms & Conditions
To print a copy of the Terms & Conditions, click here.
Categories of Membership
a) Individual Membership
b) Joint Membership – Partners living at the same residence (Proof of Evidence must be supplied)
c) Family Membership – Includes up to two adults and three dependent children under the age of 18 who are in full-time education. Evidence may be required for children aged 18 to confirm their full-time student status.
a) All membership payments must be made via BACS or standing order. We do not accept cash payments.
b) Monthly membership payments should be set up via standing order.
c) To cancel a monthly standing order membership, one full month’s written notice is required.
General Conditions of Membership
a)The Godolphin Leisure Centre reserves the right to refuse any membership application, cancel or suspend the membership of any member, and deny admission to any member or their guest if there are reasonable grounds to do so.
b) Members are expected to observe all Rules and Regulations established by the Godolphin Leisure Centre. Continued disregard of said Rules and Regulations will result in the cancellation of Membership and the forfeiting of any membership fees already paid.
c) All Godolphin Leisure Centre guests must be signed in while on the premises. Relevant fees should be paid and up to date in order for members to use the Godolphin Leisure Centre.
d)Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are aware of and adhere to all the Rules and Regulations of the Godolphin Leisure Centre.
e) Members are requested to depart the School grounds immediately after using the Godolphin Leisure Centre.
f) The Godolphin Leisure Centre reserves the right to change the published programme and timetable at any time. All changes will be communicated via the Godolphin website www.godolphin.org
g)The Godolphin Leisure Centre cannot be held responsible for any loss of or damage to property suffered by any person using the Centre, unless it arises from negligence or a deliberate act on the part of the Godolphin Leisure Centre. The facilities of the Godolphin Leisure Centre may be only used during the advertised opening hours.
i) Godolphin Leisure Centre reserves the right to increase fees in line with increased costs on a biennial basis. Members will be given one month’s notice of any proposed fee increase.
Annual/Monthly Memberships
a) Any member wishing to freeze their membership for business or medical reasons, must inform the Manager of the Godolphin Leisure Centre, via email or a written letter. Evidence may be requested.
b) All members can bring guests by the payment of a £4.00 fee per guest paid by BACS in advance.
Physical Activity
a) Members are responsible for monitoring their own physical condition throughout any activity at the Godolphin Leisure Centre. If any unusual symptoms occur, they must immediately refrain from participation in the activity until otherwise instructed.
b) The member accepts that, in the absence of negligence on the part of the Godolphin Leisure Centre, they will hold the Centre and it’s employees, instructors or any independent contractors blameless of any damages, including injury or death, incurred during or arising from any activity undertaken at the Godolphin Leisure Centre.
c) The member agrees to comply with all rules regarding the use of the fitness suite, swimming pool and other facilities, copies of which are displayed throughout the Leisure Centre.
d) Use of the fitness suite is prohibited to any person under 16 years of age.
Fitness Suite Use
a) All members must complete a health questionnaire before starting any activity and inform us of any updates. All physical activity is at the members discretion. If the member has any medical issues they should seek advice from a healthcare professional before participating.
b) All members will be required to complete an exercise and health questionnaire before using the fitness suite.
c) Specific exercise programmes based on the information provided in the exercise and health questionnaire are available to members upon request.
d) Members must inform the Godolphin Leisure Centre of any changes to the information originally provided in the exercise and health questionnaire.
e) In certain circumstances, Godolphin Leisure Centre staff may require additional medical information from the member’s general practitioner at their own expense.
f) The exercise programme is designed to gradually increase the workload of member’s cardiorespiratory systems. However, as the exercise programme cannot be predicted with complete accuracy, the member must accept that there is risk of adverse effects, before, during or after participation including abnormalities of heart rate and/or blood pressure.
Rules of the Leisure Centre
a) Swimming - Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18, with the maximum ratio of 1 responsible adult to 2 children. The responsible adult must be in the water with the children at all times.
b) You may arrive at the Godolphin Leisure Centre only during the opening hours. You will be allocated 15 minutes after your session to prepare to vacate the Godolphin Leisure Centre. Do not enter poolside unless a lifeguard is present.
c) The use of mobile phones or cameras is not permitted and recording and photography is prohibited in the Godolphin Leisure Centre.
d) No food or drink is permitted in the changing rooms or poolside except from water in plastic bottles.
e) Alcohol is not permitted in the Godolphin Leisure Centre and School grounds. CCTV is in operation 24/7. Do not bring any sharps into the School and Leisure Centre. Glass is also prohibited within Leisure centre.
f) Do not use the Godolphin Leisure Centre if you are under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, tranquilisers, or strong medication.
g) We do not tolerate any anti-social behaviour, including but limited to swearing, rowdiness, or aggression towards our staff and other customers. If you have any issues or need to report something, please speak to the Leisure Club Manager or Duty Manager. Do not disturb the lifeguard from their duties unless it is lifeguard related.
Hygiene and care
a) Swimwear, including a swimming cap must be worn in the pool area.
b) Jumping or diving into the pool is not allowed unless a trained professional is present.
c)You must shower in the changing rooms before entering the pool area. After using the fitness centre equipment, you must clean and wipe down the equipment after every use and return all equipment to its designated place. Appropriate footwear must be worn in the fitness suite. No flip flops or open toe shoes should be worn.
d) Outdoor footwear is not permitted in the pool area or changing rooms.
e) Shower gels, perfumes, or personal products are not allowed in the pool area. Do not use personal lotions or shower amenities on poolside.
f) Do not enter the pool, pool area or changing rooms if you are infected with any contagious medical condition (eg. conjunctivitis, verrucas or any fungal infections until you have been cleared by the doctor. Do not enter the leisure club until 14 days after your last episode, if you have suffered from any form of stomach illnesses/bugs, sickness and diarrhoea.
In the event of any dispute regarding the above terms, the decision of the Godolphin Leisure Centre will be final and binding.