Membership Details
To become a member of Godolphin's Leisure Centre, please either pop in to Reception at the Centre to pick up an application form or download it here.
The categories of Memberships are as follows:
a) Individual
b) Joint – Partners living at the same residence (Proof of evidence must be supplied)
c) Family – Up to two adults and three dependent children under the age of 21 in full time education. (Proof of evidence may be required - i.e. of the child aged 21)
a) All payments must be made by either BACS or standing order. No Cash.
b) Monthly payments must be set up on a standing order.
c) To cancel a monthly standing order membership, one full month’s written notice is required.
Please contact Reception at the Leisure Centre for the latest charges.
For Terms & Conditions for Memberships and The Leisure Centre, please click here.