Confirmation of a Gift / Pledge
Data Protection & Privacy:
At Godolphin we are committed to protecting your privacy. Our full privacy policy is available on request and can also be found on our website. The statement describes how Godolphin collects, stores and uses your personal information. Godolphin is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
Bank Details: The Godolphin Foundation
Bank: Lloyds Bank, Salisbury
Account Name: The Godolphin Foundation
Sort code: 30-97-41
Account Number: 59512560
IBAN: GB67 LOYD 3097 4159 5125 60
Please use your name as the reference.
Thank You:
We are extremely grateful to you for your commitment to and support of our School. With your help we are able to continue to fulfil the legacy established by Elizabeth Godolphin almost 300 years ago.
Jenny Price, Head